CALL US: 250-268-2683
Finding effective ways to partner with nature to provide the essentials and luxuries of life. Starting with power, water, soil, access and finding new and old ways to harness these natural energies while integrating them into well-designed systems that last a long time, require little energy and labor to operate, and serve our needs as a part of a larger (eco)system.
We are blessed to live in such a wonderful and beautiful place. We share a mission with many locals of the Kootenay Lake Region to help it continue to transform into an anti-fragile, hyper-local mecca of food, water, energy, beauty, laughs, and great experiences. Helping our clients and neighbors to become producers where they have passion and opportunity.
Part of our mission is to make a fair income for us and our families. To be a true and real mission statement, this needs to be included. In line with the permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share, we aim to give the best and fairest pricing possible. We will also freely offer solutions, design ideas, open-source our best methods, share abundance, and inspire those around us as much as possible.